Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Total Hate

Okay, I know this isn't supposed to be a political blog, but get it's just one post. Like most Americans I have been swept up by the political river that has been rushing through our land at breakneck speed and power. I have noticed that since the election, there has not been the slow-down in hateful rhetoric among a significant portion of the right, the portion that I lovingly refer to as "the morons."

In the spirit of full disclosure I must say that I was an Obama supporter in the election. Of course, now I'm an American citizen so of course I'm an Obama supporter. He's going to be our president. Now to be fair I do HATE George W. Bush, but this is for things that he has royally fucked up as President of the United States of America. See, I don't hate him for what I think he might do. I hate him for what he has already done. This is the difference between me and the morons, I think. When I hate people, it's because I have a real reason. When these people hate someone, it's generally because they've been told to.

This all comes back to something that I've been talking about this whole election. Did anyone else notice that the issue of race was very rarely ever brought up? Very few people ever talked about the very distinct possibility that the USA was about to elect a black president. Even though only forty or so years ago our country was spiraling out of control under race riots and civil rights upheavals, no one mentioned it. Are we pretending that we have come this far as a people that race really doesn't matter? Apparently we are, and our arrogance is astounding.

This is why we still have this segment of our population who sees no problem completely loathing our new president from the word go, no chance for redemption. These are people whose hate is fueled by tradition. Just look at the map to see where this sentiment thrives. I'll give you a hint, it's hot and humid there. In a time when our nation needs to band together to really overcome our obstacles and limitations, these people are instantly adversarial to the guy whose job it is to fix things.

That's just stupid.