Tuesday, October 21, 2008

First Post

Hello to all of the people who obviously have nothing important or worthwhile to do, as they are reading an obscure blog in some random corner of the interweb. It would seem that if I am going to bore you with my dribble, I should at least tell you who's dribbling. My name is Hunter, and I am a 23 year old software engineer in Louisville, Kentucky. I have wide and varied interests, including hunting of several varieties, consuming all sorts of media, and board games. God help me, I love me some board games. More recently however, I have picked up a new hobby; people-watching.

Not the creepy kind of people-watching you sometimes experience in malls at Christmas time or in bars just before last call; I've just generally been keeping my eyes open. I consider myself different from most people in that I am an extremely logical and mathematical kind of person. I don't consider myself better because of this. You should see me try and figure out women, I could use a little less logic on that particular problem. (Easy there sisters! Not trying to offend anyone. If you think men and women really do think alike then you are either stupid or haven't been very observant yourself. Stop reading my blog in either case) This is why when I see people doing stuff every day that makes absolutely zero logical sense, I take notice.

This blog will mostly be about stupid things I have noticed the general population (or specific members of said group) doing. However, as I said before I am a software engineer so some of the stories will no doubt not make sense to a layperson. Don't worry. I will qualify these posts in advance.

Also, before complaining about my writing style, or grammar, or punctuation or some other stupid nonsense: I already told you I'm an engineer and not a writer. As such, I don't freakin' care and will ignore you. I would love to hear from people regarding the topics of the post, but as I hinted at earlier I really hate stupid people. So consider this blog a stupid people restricted zone.

If you are still reading this, congratulations. You are not stupid.

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