Friday, March 20, 2009

Oh, History... How Little we Knew Thee

Allow me to begin this post by explaining one thing:  I am not a financial expert.  I'm not even close.  I know what I know about economics from the few classes I had in the subject, and from just keeping my eyes open.

What I do have, though is a healthy dose of honed cynicism.  And what I see today during these trying economic times is that there is such a huge disconnect between "real America" and the American financial and social elite that this no 
longer resembles anything close to the "Home of the free and the land of the brave".  Let me explain something to you, when your country is held hostage by robber-barons, you are no longer a free people.  

The people that are running these corporations, as well as the people that are running the government are the SAME GROUP OF PEOPLE!!!!  The senior level administration that is in charge of cleaning up this mess and holding people accountable... who do you think created the mess?  Am I really to believe that these people screwed
 up, profited from it, and then once moved to regulatory status are going to prosecute their buddies who did the very same thing?  Right.

Why is it that whenever it's the little guys who are struggling and going bankrupt, that's just market forces and survival of the fittest?  Then when one of these multinational "too big to fail" banks or insurance companies or whatever the hell they do starts to go under, we have to step in there and fix it.  

Maybe there are valid financial and economic arguments for or against doing th
is.  That's not what I'm here for.  I don't care about the economics of it.  I am here to make a moral and societal argument.  Allowing this looting to continue to take place is essentially allowing an oligarchy to form right under our noses, one in which we have absolutely no say in the day to day runnings of our country.  We will take what meager scraps the ruling elite throw at us, and if we want to change anything it'll just be too bad.  There will be no avenues remaining, as the system will have swallowed all checks and balances originally put in place.

Some have said this is what was going on for years.  Only the battle has been raging for years, decades even.  The problem is now the battle is in the endgame and it doesn't look good for the plebes.  I say why we still have a little say in this (and by "we" I mean the few legitimate representatives we have remaining), we should cancel all of these "bailouts", and allow all these companies to die.  I say the population returns to survival mode.

Listen people, you don't have to have every new cell phone or tv or car or whatever new shiny distraction they throw at you.  You just don't need it.  You need food, water, shelter, and medical care.  Well all of those things will still be there if we let these crooked bastards die.  We let them die, and then we build the system back up.

Oh and anyone who has a problem with allowing companies to die because then people might lose their jobs... How is it okay to profit from a competitive system when you're winning, and then not expect losses when you're losing?  If you're gonna play the game you need to be prepared to lose.


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